Monday, February 10, 2014



The idea of blogging has always been very scary to me.  Writing and grammar have never been strengths of mine and both are very important when it comes to blogging.  There is nothing private about blogging in terms of who is able to see and read what you write and because of this, I have chosen to stay as far away as possible from the whole concept.   Another concern that has kept me from blogging is feeling like I do not have anything worth writing about that other people would be interested in reading!  Nothing terrifies me more, than putting my thoughts and passions out there only to have them rejected or looked down on by others.  Not to mention, what do I do in my every day life that is so spectacular that I need to let the whole world read about it.  Does anyone really want to know about a meal I am preparing for my family, or an art project I did that turned out well?  The whole concept of blogging to me is foreign, but one that I am willing to investigate further!

Even though I have not started a blog, that has not kept me away from reading other peoples blogs.  I enjoy searching fellow teachers blog pages for great teaching tips and ideas.  I am always in awe of how they find time in our already hectic days to blog about what they are teaching and how to implement different skills.   I also keep up to date on a few of my friends that live far away by reading their blogs.  I am able to follow their lives and know what they have been up to by reading about their days on their blogs.  The way they are able to freely write about their most personal experiences for all to read is terrifying to me.  It is something that I do not think I will ever be comfortable with, but can understand how it may be an outlet to relieve stress or concerns for them.

Starting to blog for the ITS program is a safe way for me to get my toes wet with the idea and concept of blogging.  Who knows!  Maybe by the end of this semester I will be writing my deepest darkest secrets…


  1. Hi Madison!

    I think you and I have very similar thoughts about blogging. I too find myself wondering "why would someone want to know this?", when I think about blogging. I think you have to be very passionate about the idea/topic you are going to be blogging on. I certainly don't feel like I have any spare time right now, so the thought of dedicating time to writing And managing a blog seems absurd.

  2. I have been hesitant to produce much content because of my poor writing skills. Especially in an education type of environment. But the only way to improve is to do it and by jumping right in. I think it is good to remember with blogging, it isn't really about your audience. Yes, they have to be taken into account but it is really about what you want to say more so then what they want to read. I plan to take the approach that no one will plan to read what I have to say, and that is just fine. If one person does, that will be awesome!
