Sunday, March 30, 2014

Web 1.0 vs 2.0

This summer I created a website where students are able connect with another class somewhere in the world and participate in a language arts and science activity.  This project was designed for students to communicate with one another using email.  They were asked to write a descriptive piece describing their new insect species.  Using the write up the partner would have to draw a picture of what they thought the insect looked like using the descriptive writing piece.  Once both partners completed each others they would get to see what the original image looked like.  Both the original image and the image created using the clues would be posted on the website to see how close the two images were to each other.  The idea being, the more descriptive the details you gave, the better chance your partner’s insect would come out looking like the original.  This lesson was designed to use Web 1.0 tools. It required teachers to create an email address for each of their students so they could communicate back and forth with their partner and it also required that teachers submit the final projects of all their students to the website creator so that they could then be displayed on the website.  It was a timely project both for the participating teachers and the website creator.

If I could change this project to incorporate web 2.0 technology I think I would create a wiki instead of a website.  This way it would eliminate the teacher having to create an email account for each individual student.  Creating email address would be both time consuming and hard to monitor all 25 plus students use.  By creating a Wiki each pair of students could be assigned a wiki page where they are able to write their detailed description of their insect and then post their work.  Teachers can easily monitor progress.  This would also take a HUGE chunk of work away from the website creator.  They will not have to ask that a teacher submit the final projects for their class and also eliminates having to upload every participating students final work for the world to see.  Using a wiki puts the responsibility on the participating classroom teacher and students. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Digital Editing

I enjoyed learning about digital video editing. I think it has a lot of educational value for older students. I think for me to use digital editing with my second graders would be a little too much for them. The programs can be tricky when it comes to importing multiple video segments, adding transitions, voice overs, music, sound effects, and much more. I could not see my students being able to use this program easily. Even if I took the time to teach each function of the program, I just feel it is too much. I think video editing is perfect for middle school and high school students. They are old enough to be able to understand the different terminology and functions. If I taught older kids I would use this tool for projects that deal with persuasion and delivering information to the public. It is a fun way for students go share information other than writing it down in a report. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Let's Talk About Snow...

This year there has been an overwhelming amount of snow days.  It has taken a toll on me as a teacher with having to replan lessons and units, modify my pacing guides, and deal with student behavior due to lack of routine.   It has been 2 years since we have had to deal with missing school due to inclement weather.  I forgot how disruptive it could be to routines and planning. I used to wish for snow days so that I could sleep in and have a relaxing day at home.  After having more than 10 snow days this year, I no longer find them relaxing but stressful.  I am looking forward to an uninterrupted week.  Since 2013 we have only had 1 full week of school.  All the other weeks have either had cancellations or delays.  It is difficult to have students complete activities and projects with so many disruptions.  When we get back to school I am finding I have to review and reteach concepts because of being off for so long.  Having to reteach puts you even further behind in pacing.  My team met on Friday to decide how we could tweak our pacing guides to ensure we got in all the required standards. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Social Networking

It is difficult to only talk about social networking without touching on social media.  They are both so closely related.  Social networking is becoming very controversial.  Both children and adults are using it carelessly and creating great difficulty for themselves in the long run.  I do not know if I see any educational value in social networking in terms of content related material. I do not think organizing a reunion, like in the example given, is educational either.  With that being said, it may be beneficial to teach students the value in social networking and how to safely use it.  It would be valuable for students to know about sites like LinkedIn for when they are looking to connect with others and find jobs.  I think it is important to teach students how to safely and appropriately use them and educate them on the negative impact they can have on their future if used inappropriately.  I think the best way to educate students would be to have them take an online safety course each year when they reach middle school.  Each year could focus on a different internet tool and the right and wrong ways to use them.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I have never had any experience with pods before class last Wednesday.  I never had bothered to look into what they were or how they were used.  I still am not completely sold on podcasts.  I find them to be a bit bland and a boring way to present information especially with all the other options available today.  You could create a and post a mini video episode.  I am a very visual person and I did not like only being able to listen to podcasts.  I would rather watch a video on Youtube of the exact same information but at least be able to see the person presenting the information.  Hopefully in the next week or so I will learn the benefits of podcasts and my opinion will be changed!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014



      When I think about Wikis I immediately think about Wikipedia.  It brings me back to college when professors made it very clear that you were not allowed to site Wikipedia as a source.  I never understood why because I did not know what a wiki was.  I did not realize that wikis could be modified and edited by any user at any time.  When I would read the information it always appeared to be accurate to me because and I would find other sources that matched the information on Wikipedia so I could site the sources in my research papers.  I still relied on Wikipedia to help guide my search efforts.  I am still unsure of wikis and hope that the next few weeks of grad school will help to persuade my thoughts on them.   I am still unsure of how I might use wikis with second graders that have trouble just logging onto the computers alone.  I definitely feel wikis could be very beneficial and useful to students in upper graders and high school.

Monday, February 10, 2014



The idea of blogging has always been very scary to me.  Writing and grammar have never been strengths of mine and both are very important when it comes to blogging.  There is nothing private about blogging in terms of who is able to see and read what you write and because of this, I have chosen to stay as far away as possible from the whole concept.   Another concern that has kept me from blogging is feeling like I do not have anything worth writing about that other people would be interested in reading!  Nothing terrifies me more, than putting my thoughts and passions out there only to have them rejected or looked down on by others.  Not to mention, what do I do in my every day life that is so spectacular that I need to let the whole world read about it.  Does anyone really want to know about a meal I am preparing for my family, or an art project I did that turned out well?  The whole concept of blogging to me is foreign, but one that I am willing to investigate further!

Even though I have not started a blog, that has not kept me away from reading other peoples blogs.  I enjoy searching fellow teachers blog pages for great teaching tips and ideas.  I am always in awe of how they find time in our already hectic days to blog about what they are teaching and how to implement different skills.   I also keep up to date on a few of my friends that live far away by reading their blogs.  I am able to follow their lives and know what they have been up to by reading about their days on their blogs.  The way they are able to freely write about their most personal experiences for all to read is terrifying to me.  It is something that I do not think I will ever be comfortable with, but can understand how it may be an outlet to relieve stress or concerns for them.

Starting to blog for the ITS program is a safe way for me to get my toes wet with the idea and concept of blogging.  Who knows!  Maybe by the end of this semester I will be writing my deepest darkest secrets…

Friday, January 31, 2014

All About Me!

My name is Madison Cohen and I am a second grade teacher at Navy Elementary School.  I did my undergraduate studies at Elon University where I majored in Elementary Education and minored in Psychology.  I then taught a combination of first grade and second grade for 5 years.  I am currently acquiring my masters at George Mason University in elementary education with a concentration in Technology.  Through my experiences teaching and my education I have learned many valuable design tools that benefit student learning and success.  I have acquired 21st century learning skills that are valuable for all students to learn early in their journey through education.